ECVS has recently decided to adopt the practice from the professional world of film and television of having a leader at the beginning of all material to be screened. This consists of a countdown and a precise short period of black before the start. This gives the projectionist complete accurate control on cueing the item to be screened. A voluntary standard is suggested consisting of a countdown leader at the start of a film and a minimum of ten seconds black at the end.

The actual form of countdown is unimportant as long as it is functional and silent. One can choose between the 'Academy' type of film leader or the television broadcast countdown clock. They both give an accurate in cue point.

Countdown timers for use in club, and member productions can be downloaded here.

MOV Files (higher quality, large file size):
Countdown Timer (4:3 aspect ratio)

Countdown Timer (16:9 aspect ratio)

Clock Countdown (4:3 aspect ratio)

Clock Countdown (16:9 aspect ratio)

M2V Files (lower quality, small file size):

Countdown Timer (4:3 aspect ratio)

Countdown Timer (16:9 aspect ratio)

Clock Countdown (16:9 aspect ratio)